Starter Success Tutoring Plan!

Four (4) One-on-One Virtual Sessions per month!

Start now or plan for the summer learning - Sign up for our Starter Success Plan!

Get four (4) virtual private tutoring sessions every month, tailored to your specific needs in reading, math, ELA, or any other subject. Each sessions is 55 minutes

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One-on-One Virtual Tutoring

Subject Tutoring for K-12 Students

  • Tutors Available: Professional subject tutors providing personalized attention in a 1:1 ratio.
  • For: Elementary to High School Students (K-12) seeking academic support.
  • Delivery Method: Online tutoring with a live instructor/coach for interactive learning.
  • Location: Virtual classrooms are conveniently held via Zoom.

Tutoring Plan Details

  • Session length: 55-minute sessions, - 4 sessions per month.
  • At-Home Support: Additional at-home assignments available upon request.
  • Plan Type: Subscription plan with a 3-month minimum commitment.
  • Academic Subjects: Select your subject at checkout!
  • + Elementary, middle school, and high school subjects
    + Core areas: reading, math, and English Language Arts (ELA)
    + Additional subjects available upon request

Important Note

  • A monthly fee will be automatically charged unless canceled, ensuring uninterrupted tutoring support
  • A representative will contact you after payment to provide zoom link and orientation details.


No refunds for missed or tardiness. 3 month enrollment minimum is required. Make-up sessions are highly discouraged and will result in $50 fee per session - no exceptions please. Student should stick to assigned session schedule as session transfer will result in additional fees. Rescheduling or transfer sessions are $50 per sessions. We reserve the right to cancel a session date if participation is more than 15 minutes late. No refunds will be permitted. *Results may vary and placement into selective school or gifted program is not guaranteed.


This offer excludes test prep services or afterschool programs. The is a recurring or automatic payments will occur monthly. Please inform us in writing if you wish to cancel after 3 months. Special rates do not apply after cancellation. Please expect to pay the regular rate if rejoining after cancellation.


You will receive a zoom link to join virtual sessions. (A link with details on how to join will be emailed to you 24 hours before class starts).You’ll need wifi and the ability to stream audio and video.Each registration includes class access for one device and one student.

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No Risk Guarantee!

Duis sem odio, aliquet in lobis in, porta eu tellus. Suspendis vel vestibul.

What Our Customers Say

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Duis sem odio, aliquet in lobortis in, porta eu tellus. Suspendisse vel vestibulum libero. Nunc turpis leo, convallis id sodales a, imperdiet sodales enim. Vestibulum cursus vehicula pulvinar. Morbi ullamcorper congue lectus.

Nicole Walters

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